hey…ef einhver veit hvar hellvitis hatturinn er …please keep it to yourself!!!! og ef einhver stal hattinum frá elmari…takk fyrir það, þú mátt eiga hann!!! :-p
Into love and out again,
Thus I went and thus I go.
Spare your voice, and hold your pen:
Well and bitterly I know
All the songs were ever sung,
All the words were ever said;
Could it be, when I was young,
Someone dropped me on my head?
— Dorothy Parker Mortgage Loanhttp://www.refinance-mortgage-com.com
17 comments On og
Hún var hriiiiikaleg! OJ! Banna svona fólk!
þetta kanski kennir þér að áfengi og hattar fara ekki saman
HATTURINN!!!!!! Ég fór þúsundir kílómetra til að kaupa hann handa þér sko! You better find it!
hey…ef einhver veit hvar hellvitis hatturinn er …please keep it to yourself!!!! og ef einhver stal hattinum frá elmari…takk fyrir það, þú mátt eiga hann!!! :-p
hey!!!!!!!!!!! skamm addnahhh
ohhh 🙁
Into love and out again,
Thus I went and thus I go.
Spare your voice, and hold your pen:
Well and bitterly I know
All the songs were ever sung,
All the words were ever said;
Could it be, when I was young,
Someone dropped me on my head?
— Dorothy Parker
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