Entry: pixie
Function: noun
Definition: fairy
Synonyms: brownie, elfin, fay, leprechaun, nisse, elf, sprite
Concept: supernatural
Whatis: playfully mischievous fairy
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(Visited 52 times, 1 visits today)
Entry: pixie
Function: noun
Definition: fairy
Synonyms: brownie, elfin, fay, leprechaun, nisse, elf, sprite
Concept: supernatural
Whatis: playfully mischievous fairy
var a
11 comments On pixies
Takk fyrir símtalið og að leyfa mér að heyra “hey” 🙂
var þetta ekki bara pet sounds með beach boys sem var undir… svo var ég ekkert reiður við stelpuna neitt, hef örugglega bara dregið hana niður með mér í þetta vonduskapssvað sem draugstafrænn gaf mér
hehe, Elmar þú færð seint að gleyma “horse in my bed” 😉
flott að sjá að þú skemmtir þér vel 🙂
Just as most issues are seldom black or white, so are most good
solutions seldom black or white. Beware of the solution that requires
one side to be totally the loser and the other side to be totally the
winner. The reason there are two sides to begin with usually is
because neither side has all the facts. Therefore, when the wise
mediator effects a compromise, he is not acting from political
motivation. Rather, he is acting from a deep sense of respect for the
whole truth.
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a moment. Perhaps they’re mislead.
No, I know they’re stolen, cried Florence. I remember putting them
in my burette … We must call a copper.
Erlenmeyer did so, and the flatfoot who turned up, one Sherlock Ohms,
said the outrage looked like the work of an arch-criminal by the name
of Lawrence Ium.
We must be careful — he’s a free radical, ultraviolet, and
dangerous. His girlfriend is a chlorine at the Palladium. Maybe I can
catch him there. With that, he jumped on his carbon cycle in an
activated state and sped off along the reaction pathway …
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